Phone - 0458 000 456


What information will I get in the free selling report?

The information in this report is based on property data obtained by Core Logic/ RP data Pty Ltd who are the largest providers of property information and data in Australia and New Zealand

WESTON REAL ESTATE subscribe to Core Logic so we are always up to date on the latest property sales and rental statistics in every suburb in Melbourne and country Victoria, including growth information on these suburbs.

In the Selling Report all your property details will be provided including; the property type, current zoning, land usage, land size and property attributes and other information as follows:

  • Aerial and elevation views of your property utilizing satellite imaging 
  • A list of points of interest in the immediate area 
  • A list of comparable and recently sold properties within a 1 KM radius of your property, listing the property descriptions, images and sold prices of these properties
  • A list of comparable and current properties now on the market in your immediate area
  • Statistical data on property sales in your suburb during the last 12 months
  • Capital growth median property prices for the last 10 years and their percentage increase or decrease
  • Demographic data on household structure in your suburb like couples with children or single parents etc
  • Household occupancy information like renting verses owning in your suburb
  • Age and sex ratios in your suburb and household income information


This valuable information provided to you in this report is free and is a vital ingredient in determining the current market value of your property.

All real estate agents have access to this or similar information and use it to provide you with their market opinion on the selling price. 

At WESTON REAL ESTATE wherever your property is located we will provide you with this valuable information free.

With nearly 30 years of real estate experience we offer you innovative marketing and alternative options to sell your property without it costing you a fortune in fees. 
A complete real estate service saving you money and delivering great results. “Wherever your property is located we will find a buyer for you and negotiate the highest market price”. This is our guarantee to you.
Call us today to find out more  1300 655 575 or 0458 000 456

For your Free Selling Report, please click on here